Before I became a speech pathologist, I spent four years working for Kraft Foods. That experience shaped me. One thing that I did when I was there was set up a “good job file.” I don’t know who told me to do this (so I can’t give credit), but it was something that really mattered to me.
Going through some files I found my old “good job file” and it was such a hoot to go back in time. Reading emails from the sales people and former bosses made me laugh, but also reminded me of the work I did then and what it meant to me at the time.
It would have been wonderful if I had started a good job file back in grad school and when I’d first become a speech path because it could have been something to look back on after rough days.
Grab a manila folder and keep it handy. The type of things you can put in it include:
- Art that students made for you
- Redacted emails from staff
- Certificates from the principal or administration
- Notes from parents
- Special notes or gifts from other teachers or the PTA
I hope that you run out and start your good job file today! That’s because I know you do an amazing job and work so hard for your students. You deserve it and more!
I love this idea! Mine isn’t a file but a small cork board hanging in my closet. I post all the things that make me grateful for my job and bring me a smile, so I can see it everyday as I head out the door.
What a great idea! Thanks so much for commenting 🙂