Reading Comprehension in Speech Therapy Sessions
Is it challenging to figure out how to address comprehension, especially reading comprehension with your students? I’ve wanted to do more with reading with my struggling readers because there are many different speech therapy goals you can hit with short reading passages (vocabulary, answering questions, memory). So I’ve also finished up a huge reading comprehension unit for struggling readers and the best part is that I analyzed the Lexile level for each short story. I’ve added picture support for new vocabulary, and each short story has five yes/no questions afterwards to check vocabulary comprehension.
Making Reading Comprehension Easy
I thought it would be fun to go with an investigator theme! I’m introducing Comprehension Briefs! 🔍 I have two versions: No Print Interactive PDFs or Boom Cards. Each story is about 40-50 words over six pages and then there are five pages of questions. Each investigation is related to child-friendly, fun theme. Before the story there is an introduction of the vocabulary that is unique to the story (and not a high frequency word) with a picture. Grab your free sample and try it out:
- Comprehension Brief: Investigate Coffee (Free interactive PDF)
- Comprehension Brief: Investigate Coffee (Free Boom Card)
In each bundle there are 10 briefs (including investigations of picnics, an allowance, ice cream, bingo, etc). And the Lexile Level is all the same: 210L – 410L, which is an estimate. Average second graders start second grade reading above 410L. This is great for average readers in first grade and struggling readers in second grade. Additionally, I think the Comprehension Brief series works well for any student who has the high frequency words down, but is working on decoding higher level words.
I created this with my students in mind and if this is something you like, I will make more of them!