Shhhh, I’ve got a secret. I’ve given away a lot of my speech board games. I was “hoarding” by keeping them for years, acquiring more when I didn’t need them, and taking them with me from job to job.
The truth is that times have changed. Now that many of us have access to an iPad and digital downloads (like the ones in my store) for quick printing or interactive PDFs to ebooks to even online professional development….the list goes on.
It’s pretty clear I’m not going to need all of those heavy board games.
Certainly we have our core games: I have Guess Who?, Cariboo, and other small games, but it’s no more than three large office boxes worth…and even typing that it seems like a lot.
But who needs more stuff? That’s one of my pet peeves of Christmas; the buying of stuff for stuff’s sake just to have it clutter up my cluttered home. But when it comes to our jobs? I know it’s hard to accept, but we really don’t need additional clutter.
Here’s how to give a gift that will not weigh down an SLP, a clinical fellow (CF), or really any coworker in education (and maybe even healthcare):
1. TpT Gift certificate
This is what your SLP friend really wants, but just hasn’t asked you for yet. Your SLP friend can buy resources that are customized to their caseload’s needs. You can’t go wrong.
2. Nice pens
You know, how hard it is to find a really good pen? It’s really hard. Am I the only one? This is a great present because it’s functional!
3. A funky clipboard
I have a clipboard made out of recycled laundry bottles. No joke, it’s fun, durable, and something I used every day when I was onsite.
4. Sharpies
Sharpies are expensive permanent markers, but they are so fun with all their colors. Have a heart and buy a pack for the SLP in your life.
5. Fancy hot chocolate or tea
We’re breaking out all the hot cocoa and tea now that the chill is on. This kind of gift make take up space initially, but once it’s consumed, it will not clutter the SLP’s work space.
6. Post-It notes
Have you ever checked out post-its at your nearest office supply store? They are so expensive $10 for a big pack. I feel like I go through so many. I’m just saying, it’s nice to get a jumbo pack in your stocking.
7. Coffee shop gift card
So valuable to be able to get a hot coffee on your way to work or while you are traveling between sites. It does wonders for your spirit. If you go with a Starbucks card, your SLP friend can simply use an app to pay for her/his coffee.
8. iTunes gift card
If you have an iPad for work, you know how much those specialty apps can cost — and do they add up when you need a bunch of new ones! A gift card can really make a difference in your daily therapy! You can even email them to your minimalist friend.
9. Online TV subscription
For example, a subscription to Hulu is only about $9 per month. You can’t go wrong gifting an SLP a Hulu subscription so he/she can watch TV while writing reports at home.
10 Educational website gift
I really love getepic.com for children’s ebooks that can be used in therapy — it’s only $5 per month. Your favorite SLP might have a different website in mind so you might have to ask her or him.
Gift-giving is tough, especially when no one wants something that will just sit around and collect dust. It’s a struggle to know how much to spend and once you decide on an amount, it’s tough to figure out where to spend it! I hope my suggestions help you out and if I missed something, feel free to email me! Happy holidays!
Love this for a lot of reasons – just shared on Facebook!