I took a leap of faith this year and jumped into teletherapy, signing a contract back in the summer. I’ve been waiting to report back about how it’s been because I wanted to make sure I got a feel for teletherapy as a career. I ended up gathering up lots of information and now I’m finally ready to tell you all about it.
My Teletherapy Journey
After many months of providing teletherapy, I believe it is fantastic! I love working online with students with communication disorders. And you know what? My therapy is better. Yep, it’s true.
It’s because I have the ability to simply focus on the therapy and evaluation and I’ve cut out a lot of the “noise” from the school-based environment.
Every SLP I know wants to know more about teletherapy and, after an avalanche of messages from friends, colleagues, and even strangers with tons of questions, I realized that it was impossible for me to answer every message individually. Once I started writing all about my experience, I decided it would make an terrific guide for SLPs everywhere.
Answering Your Teletherapy Questions
Are you curious about teletherapy? Do you want to give it a try, but you are unsure about it? Are you feeling burn out at your current job? Do you have small children and struggle to balance work and home? Are you ready to ditch a terrible commute? Do you want to love speech therapy again?

All of these questions and their answers are in my new guide, “Is Teletherapy Right for Me?” It’s a 35 page eBook that will walk you through the pros and cons of teletherapy and tell you all about how to find the right contract company that will not leave you hanging. I’ll explain how I do therapy and evaluations online and hold IEP meetings too — all on a HIPPA-compliant internet platform.
Buying this guide is an easy way to get all of your questions answered before taking big steps so that when you are ready to make a move, you will know exactly what to do.
Teletherapy Guide Contents:
- Compensation
- Costs
- Aides and Helpers
- Internet Therapy Platforms
- Therapy
- Evaluation
- IEP Meetings Online
- Response-to-Intervention
- How to Get Started
- Reviewing Your Contract
- And more…!
What are you waiting for? Buy “Is Teletherapy Right for Me?” So buy now if you have been waiting for all the answers to your teletherapy questions! Thank you so much!

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