I love working with kids inside the special education room. It’s an especially fun treat when I can co-treat with the occupational therapist because I always learn something new.
Cotreat with OT and other professionals
One of the best ways to tackle both speech and OT goals was to prepare food. That’s how I first started incorporating some kind of recipe into our activities. The OT wanted to teach the students use tools appropriately to tackle fine motor skills.
I wanted to assist kids:
- to follow the instructions (receptive language)
- to use language to sequence the steps (receptive and expressive language)
- to increase their vocabulary around the kitchen and of food items (receptive and expressive language)
The only problem was that there really wasn’t any resource available to help me! I spent 10 years “winging it” when I worked inside the special education classroom with the occupational therapist.
But now you don’t have to wing it because I’ve created the Speech Recipe Club. It’s a growing bundle of resources for all different kinds of recipes. They are meant to be used year-round inside classrooms. Classrooms like regular education classrooms, self-contained classrooms or even in the speech room, depending on the needs of your students.
Easy Recipes Beginners Love
The contents of the Speech Recipe Club bundle include:
Each Recipe Step By Step
Each pack contains:
- step-by-step recipe
- a mini-book that the student can take home
- story retell aides
- WH-question cards
- compare/contrast worksheets.
Recipes are great to use in speech therapy for all of the reasons above. But also because functional skills are not being taught as frequently in school. Many students really need practice with activities of daily living (ADLs). From passing out plates and napkins to asking friends if they need something to simply knowing how to make a basic food for yourself. our students will get a lot out of the experience.
Another thing I love about this product is that 40 pages of it is in black and white! I love a low ink resource.