As longtime readers know I’m all about functional stuff for kids with communication disorders (functional speech therapy is a huge part of my philosophy). It’s not enough to just teach academics – we need to make sure kids learn the functional skills they need to navigate this big wide world we live in.
One of my friends from grad school Cara Tambellini recently published a book for kids that helps kids understand social situations: What Can We Do?: A Problem Solving Book for Young Talkers. The book is rooted in reality with concrete examples using plain language for kids to comprehend.
There are too many books written that are too abstract (for example animals are doing things and kids are meant to make a connection to their own lives). For a lot of our kids it’s too hard for them to grasp lessons not grounded in reality. Also other books go on and on, but Cara’s book is short and easily relatable. It would be an ideal companion for an activity or discussion about social skills and problem solving. What Can We Do? is a quick read that can be used to kick off or extend lessons about problem solving.
I want to get this book into your hands so you can use it right away so I’m giving away a copy! To enter, please comment below and I’ll choose a lucky winner in 10 days on 4/17/2019! (UPDATED: EXTENDED TO 4/26/2019 due to the awesome response!!) If you want to keep up with Cara Tambellini, you can visit her website Cara Speech Therapy or her on instagram: @caraspeech.
I’d love to win this to share with my students and their families
This book looks great and super informative!
This book sounds perfect for so many kids!
So many of my students struggle with problem solving! This looks like a great tool to have!
This looks like an excellent investment. I’m going to follow her so that if I don’t win I will know how and where to purchase it. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, What a nice promotion for a much- needed resource for our kiddos! Thank you for all you do!
Thank you so much for sharing this resource. I will definitely check it out!
Wow, this subject has just come up with my graduate student asking- what can we do? To help one of my students understand the social communication world!
I’d love to win it, if not pls post how to purchase after the contest.
Thanks, Dawn
I have so many students with pragmatic language needs! This book would be a perfect addition to my collection.
It’s fun size
I would love to use this with my students!
I will like to win this amazing book to share and use for my students. I will also want to follow her to more about the book and where and when to get a copy. Thanks
This book sounds like an amazing resource! I would love to use this book with my students!
I would love to get a copy of this
A much needed book for the students with whom we work! Me encanta el trabajo que hagas 😀 Saludos, Cate
I’ve seen this book around and it looks like a great book to add to any speech pathologist’s collection! Thanks!
Looks like a great resource for my students!
This looks like it would be a great investment to my resources!
Hi Libby,
You won the book! I will be emailing you shortly!
Super cute book!
This book is a great resource.
I would love to use it with my children .
I am continuously looking for materials to use with my social skills group that will help them to carry over what they’ve been working on. This sounds like a great resource to help with that.
Wow – this book looks a wonderful resource to share with my students and families.
If is don’t win – how can I purchase??
I would love to have this to use in therapy! Great resource!!
This book sounds great! It would be perfect for my students!
This book looks great! I love using materials written by other SLPs.
I love functional tools especially geared towards my younger students. I would love to check out this book- I would love it even more if I won a copy 🙂 Thanks!
Excited to check out this book!!! Pick me! Pick me!
Love using books in therapy. Looks like a great resource! Thanks for sharing.
This book looks super! I would love to be able to share it with my coworkers and students and their families!!
This is really cool. I’m always looking for resources like this personally and professionally.
This book would be perfect! Would love to win!
What an absolutely adorable book. It would be a great addition to my new speech therapy literacy book nook!
This sounds like a terrific book! We often times ask the children we work with, “What could you do?” or “What could you do instead of ….”. Thank you for this opportunity!
Free book for problem solving?! Yes, please!
This book looks wonderful! Fingers crossed!
I have been looking for a book like this for my special preschoolers for a while. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jen! You are a winner! You will be receiving an email from me shortly!
Sounds like an excellent resource, and I so agree about our therapy needing to be functional! I would love to win this book!
Wow! This looks like a great resource!!
This book looks amazingly informative and useful with some of the kiddos I work with. I think this could be a great resource to tell to parents to continue the learning at home.
This book looks super cute! I would love to add it to my resource collection!
I’d love to have a book to use with my young students that has concrete daily examples of different social situations!
I could do use this book with my social kids!!!
This looks like such a great resource!
I would love to have this book as a reference and share the information with others.
Thanks, Leticia
This looks like a perfect fit for our students who need help in this area!
Thanks, Maureen
This looks like an awesome resource! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Thanks for arranging this book give away!! Looks like a fantastic resource.
Always on the Lookout for Problem Solving activities.
Social language is SO important! I love how functional the book is written and that’s it’s written with language our students that struggle with social language can understand! I’d love to add this to my collection!
I can already think of several kiddos to use this book with. What a great resource!
Love this! I have a couple of students this would 100% apply to!!
Such a cute idea I love this !
I can’t wait to add this to my collection. Totally agree with her philosophy.