When Sandy Dorsey, founder of Smiles for Speech reached out to the SLP community for textbook donations to start a library of speech therapy (and occupational therapy) textbooks to be sent to Ghana, you came through in a big way! You donated more than 2,000 books to help speech therapy students at the University of Ghana. Instead of starting just one library, they are planning to create FOUR LIBRARIES so undergraduate and graduate speech therapy students can use your reference books. BUT….

No one expected generosity like that (YOU GUYS STEPPED UP!) and unfortunately there isn’t money in the budget for the amount of shipping that this will require. Smiles for Speech, in case you needed a reminder, is an organization committed providing children with special needs living in impoverished circumstances with therapy and resources.
That’s why I’m counting on you to make a donation GoFundMe: Smiles for Speech Scholars towards covering the shipping costs from New York to Ghana – by air or by water via freight or container. Any donation from you will make an impact! Support programs for students studying speech and language!
By the way, did you know how this project started? A student in Ghana, Pamela Klutse, asked her professor for textbooks focused on speech therapy since her school did not have any — except for the personal textbooks from her professor. There are no textbooks for her at her university! Sandy stepped in and created a campaign to gather donations of textbooks — because she knew that all of us still had our textbooks and most likely did not need them anymore! Let’s bridge the gap for students in the US and abroad!
Want to join me in making a difference? I’m raising money to benefit Smiles for Speech Scholars — Let’s get these books to Ghana!!! Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me. Please share with others who want to do something amazing for our profession and up-and-coming students in Ghana!
Donate NOW! More information about Smiles for Speech: Smiles for Speech provides children with special needs living in disadvantaged communities with speech and therapy materials and resources. Smiles for Speech