I’m back at my videos with 3 Mistakes Adults Make in Toddler Speech Therapy. Filming videos has been tough because my kids are wandering all over the house and I’m trying to keep them out of clips (we are doing distance learning). But anyway, this video is kind of like my pet peeves with therapy with little ones. Things that annoy me — ironically they are things that I have done myself before I knew better! Please watch and let me know what you think (it’s only a 4 minute video so it won’t take long)! And yes, that is a punching bag in the background that my kids beat up so they don’t beat up each other! LOL
If you want to help me out, please subscribe to my channel (the red button). Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
Thanks! As a therapist, I have been guilty of a couple of these at times.
Me too!