Puns are so fun! Kids love them and so do adults. Who doesn’t like a cheap, little giggle? When you think about holidays and seasons, they create the perfect opportunity to play with words and laugh a lot.
Halloween Puns
Halloween is one of the most unique holidays we celebrate here in the United States. Kids dress up, wander around their neighborhoods, and get candy from people they don’t know! Trick or treat essentially is a threat, am I right? One of my friends says that Halloween is her favorite holiday. Why? Because she loves to dress up and then have a big party!
“Why Halloween?” “What puns?”
Have you wondered what puns are? Puns are plays on words. When someone says a pun, they change a feature of one word to make it sound like another that relates to the phrase. For example, the words “wish” and “witch” differ only by the final consonant (sh versus ch). So if you want to wish someone a happy Halloween, you can say, “I witch you a Happy Halloween.” Now you have a fun pun.
Another type of pun is when there is a multiple meaning involved. For example, if a skeleton said, “You’re tickling all my funny bones.” We know that “funny bone” is a term meaning sense of humor. Well, in this example there is a further layering of meaning with the skeleton being made of bones.
Grab this free Halloween Puns download for free! It’s a 12 page PDF. It contains 5 pages of Halloween puns in color and 5 pages in black & white. The pages in color can be printed and laminated to be used over and over. While the black and white can be printed, cut out, and colored by your students to take home. Click here to get the PDF and join my email list.